Workshop outline
Activity 1: Dashboard genres:
- Show examples of dashboards and their genres
- Let people discuss what they think about the dashboard they see. Let them discuss what they like / dislike about these dashboards. What do they think about the possible audience?
Introduce general dahsbaord guidelines:
- Highlight some high-level guidelines (slide 22)
- Discuss trade-offs and factors involved in dashboard design (slide 24
Introduce design thinking
- Explain double diamond (Slide 26)
Activity / Worksheet 1: Data, Use & Genres (15min)
List and describe your data. What are the facets/dimensions in your data?
- Describe your audience? What does the audience know about the data?
- Describe the information, tasks and decisions your audience is performing? What do they know about these tasks? During which steps of their workflows and during which situations do they need access to the dashboard?
- What is the context & devices they engage with the dashboard? Is it a mobile, a 2nd screen, a wall-sized display, etc.? What else do they do when they consult the dashboard? How frequently do they consult the dashboard?
- Look at the Genre patterns. Pick 1-3 genres and describes how they might fit your scenario
- Briefly report to other participants (e.g., in group).
Activity / Worksheet 2: Structure patterns (10min)
- Look at the structure pattern.
- Does your dashboard need (or can) have multiple separate pages?
- How would you group information meaningfully across these pages? What information must be shown together the same page (don’t be afraid of duplicating information).
- Pick one page to continue the workshop with. (you can repeat the following steps for each of your pages individually and make chances to your page design).
Activity / Worksheet 3: Data & Representation Patterns (15min)
Look at the data and representation patterns.
- How does your data need to be abstracted?
- How would you need to visualize that information?
Activity / Worksheet 4: Layout (10min)
Look at the layout patterns. Which layout would make sense for your visualizations? Why? Use this page to experiment with different layouts. Use post-its to move components around easier.
Activity / Worksheet 5: Screenspace & Interactivity (10min)
Look at the screenspace and interaction patterns.
- If you are running out of screenspace, how could you support navigation to the off-screen content, e.g., on other pages?
- Do you need interaction in your dashboard? What do you need interaction for? How can this interaction be supported in the UI?
Activity / Worksheet 6: Final Mockup (15min)
Create a detailed mockup of your dashboard, using your choices and exploration from the other worksheets. Create two versions if you cannot decide at this time.