Design Patterns
Dashboard Genres
Design Tradoffs
Process & Guidelines
Paper & Material

Logo of Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh

Logo of the University of Edinburgh

Workshop outline



Activity 1: Dashboard genres:

Introduce general dahsbaord guidelines:

Introduce design thinking

Activity / Worksheet 1: Data, Use & Genres (15min)

List and describe your data. What are the facets/dimensions in your data? Use:

Activity / Worksheet 2: Structure patterns (10min)

Activity / Worksheet 3: Data & Representation Patterns (15min)

Look at the data and representation patterns.

Activity / Worksheet 4: Layout (10min)

Look at the layout patterns. Which layout would make sense for your visualizations? Why? Use this page to experiment with different layouts. Use post-its to move components around easier.

Activity / Worksheet 5: Screenspace & Interactivity (10min)

Look at the screenspace and interaction patterns.

Activity / Worksheet 6: Final Mockup (15min)

Create a detailed mockup of your dashboard, using your choices and exploration from the other worksheets. Create two versions if you cannot decide at this time.