Design Patterns
Dashboard Genres
Design Tradoffs
Process & Guidelines
Paper & Material

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Instructor outline

Dashboard Design Workshop

This website describes the general outline of the workshop as it was anounced. Detailed instructions for instructors are found here.

This workshop aims to help you with the design of dashboards using a set of dashboard design patterns. The workshop will be held online and has synchronous and asynchronous parts. As part of our research, we aim to understand design principles for dashboard design and how our design patterns can support this design process through: ideation, reflection, and analysis.

If you have any specific questions, please get in touch with Benjamin Bach.

Join our Slack channel to stay up to date about our monthly drop-in sessions and potential future courses.


What this workshop will help you with:

What this workshop will not provide:


The workshop does not require any specific skills, but does require you have an idea for some sort of project:

Schedule and outline

The workshop runs during two weeks in March 2022. The workshop has 3 distinct stages, outlined below.

Synchronous sessions

We have three general check-ins where we encourage everone to attend. In between these general check-ins, you can work on your dashboard designs at your own pace and check in with us on demand (see below).

Asynchronous working

To help you with your designs asynchronously, we provide three means of communication:

Sign up

The workshop is limited to 12 people so that we can guarantee useful discussions and a good level of engagement. There are no fees attached to your participation.

To sign up, please complete this short questionnaire and tell us about yourself (2min): https://forms.gle/dc6y9fEbzV2CAhqE6.